Career Events
Student Organization Fair
Georgetown University MBA Student Organizations provide opportunities for students to share common professional, cultural, and social interests, expand leadership skills, and serve the community. Groups plan both career-focused events such as Functional Days and Treks, as well as social events on campus and in Washington, D.C. We highly recommend that you attend the Student Organization Fair in the fall and take advantage of the networking and support provided by these groups.
Student Organization Fair – August 28, 2025 (in-person) and August 29, 2025 (virtual)
MBA Career Conferences
Getting in front of your target companies is a primary goal. MBA Career Conferences provide an excellent opportunity to get in front of the world’s largest companies that are seeking to hire MBA students for internships and post-MBA jobs. These conferences also offer targeted workshops, seminars, and networking opportunities in addition to the career fair. Since there are travel and lodging deadlines, it is recommended that you review the full list of employers exhibiting at each fair, register, and apply for positions with employers interviewing at the fairs far in advance (August). MBA student organization leaders can share their conference experiences and help you decide which conference to attend. Note that consumer product goods companies, commercial consulting, and leadership/management rotation opportunities are heavily represented at these conferences. To be successful, significant upfront preparation is necessary. The McDonough Career Center will provide a Career Fair Boot Camp for preparation in September. Links to 2025 conferences will be provided as they become available.
MBA Career Days
These full-day events arranged by MBA student organizations, bring MBA students, faculty, McDonough alumni, and employer representatives together to discuss their common career pursuits and consider the investments and returns of specific MBA Career paths. Career Days are intended to be informational and educational in nature rather than true recruitment events.
Finance Day
Consulting Day
Entrepreneurship / Venture Capital Day
Women in Business Day
Real Estate Day
Technology Day
Healthcare Day
Net Impact (Social Impact / Non-Profit), Energy & CleanTech, Emerging Markets Day